Month: March 2015

Professor Arshad Ali: “Citizens Under Suspicion: Responsive Research with Community Under Surveillance”

What are the challenges that researchers face when developing responsive research working with marginalized communities? On March 5th, Professor Arshad Ali visited Teachers College as part of the Center for Multiple Languages and Literacies Speaker Series, to discuss his research project working with muslim youth and how they make sense of surveillance in multiple spaces in their lives. His qualitative approach to understand these processes aimed to engage with a community following the traditions of a participatory research methodology.IMG_2619

Professor Ali offered a detailed analysis of the ways in which the threat of surveillance permeates multiple spaces for young people, and how it impacts their own sense of identity and citizenship. He also questioned the long-term implications of these threats, particularly within educational contexts, for muslim youth.

Throughout his presentation, Professor Ali posited the importance of developing research methodologies that can be beneficial for marginalized communities and that can challenge hegemonic understandings of these communities within academic institutions.

The CMLL team appreciates the participation of the attendees, and Professor Arshad Ali, who generously shared his academic inquiries with us.